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Joe Pace
Jun 28, 2017
Granite State of Mind, #131: Searles Castle, Windham
Not all memories are old memories, not all nostalgia papered over by the passage of years. Just over a month ago, during our last trip...

Joe Pace
Jun 27, 2017
Granite State of Mind, #130: McConnell Hall, University of New Hampshire, Durham
Some of the places on this list are remarkable for their natural beauty, for their historic relevance, or their cultural importance. This...

Joe Pace
Jun 26, 2017
Granite State of Mind, #129: Benson's Animal Farm, Hudson
New Hampshire kids of a certain vintage will recall the trek out to Benson's Animal Farm with equal parts nostalgic pleasure and a vague...

Joe Pace
Jun 25, 2017
Granite State of Mind, #128: Great Bay Discovery Center, Greenland
One of New Hampshire's true treasures is Great Bay, a estuarine ecosystem fed by five river systems (Winnicut, Squamscott, Lamprey,...

Joe Pace
Jun 24, 2017
Granite State of Mind, #127: Exeter Handkerchief Factory, Exeter
I love that in junior high school in Exeter we were essentially assigned to visit the local fabric store as part of our home economics...

Joe Pace
Jun 22, 2017
Granite State of Mind, #126: The Asia Restaurant, Dover
The city of Dover has been enjoying a bit of a renaissance in public regard in the past few years. I've always thought of it as the...

Joe Pace
Jun 21, 2017
Granite State of Mind, #125: Stratham Fair, Stratham
This July will mark the 50th annual Stratham Fair. That's sobering, because when I was a kid I remember that number being in the teens....

Joe Pace
Jun 20, 2017
Granite State of Mind, #124: Hampton Beach, Hampton
As the longest day of the year and the official advent of summer is upon us, it seemed an appropriate day to highlight one of New...

Joe Pace
Jun 15, 2017
Granite State of Mind, #123: Great Bay Athletic Club, Newmarket
I've never been a fitness club guy (and I think the results speak for themselves). I spent my time at the then-new Hamel Rec Center at...

Joe Pace
Jun 14, 2017
Granite State of Mind, #122: Manchester
The Pennacooks called it Namaoskeag. Veterans of Queen Anne's War settling there in 1727 under a Massachusetts charter called it...

Joe Pace
Jun 12, 2017
Granite State of Mind, #121: Epicurean Restaurant, Exeter
No, I don't have a story about the Walgreens at the corner of Portsmouth Ave and Green Hill Road. This is about what used to be there in...

Joe Pace
Jun 9, 2017
Granite State of Mind, #120: The Music Hall, Portsmouth
I don't claim nearly the intimacy or familiarity with the port city's crown cultural jewel that many could more creditably boast. But I...
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