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Joe Pace
Feb 29, 2016
Favorite Fictional Characters, #60: Dana Scully
I was slow to warm to The X-Files. I eventually started watching it because Jen was a faithful devotee, and if she was making this list,...

Joe Pace
Feb 28, 2016
Favorite Fictional Characters, #59: Basil Fawlty
Basil Fawlty owns a hotel. At least, his wife Sybil does, and she allows him to think he does too. Running that hotel would be a joy to...

Joe Pace
Feb 27, 2016
Favorite Fictional Characters, #58: Haymitch Abernathy
I'm not a huge fan of the Hunger Games books or movies. Katniss is a bit too Mary Sue for me, and Jennifer Lawrence's portrayal a bit too...

Joe Pace
Feb 26, 2016
Favorite Fictional Characters, #57: Victor Frankenstein
In 1816, young Mary Shelley and her lover Percy Shelley visited Lord Byron at Lake Geneva. Byron suggested they write ghost stories. Mary...

Joe Pace
Feb 25, 2016
Favorite Fictional Characters, #56: Barney Stinson
How I Met Your Mother was a great show, then a decent one, before descending into mediocrity for the last third of its run. Most viewers...

Joe Pace
Feb 24, 2016
Favorite Fictional Characters, #55: Marion Ravenwood
Indy's true love, Marion was a throwback to the tough-broad school of 1930s Hollywood serials, less damsel in distress than land mine in...

Joe Pace
Feb 23, 2016
Favorite Fictional Characters, #54: Philippe the Mouse
Ladyhawke is an underrated classic. The plot is simple and effective, the cinematography is consistently beautiful, Rutger Hauer is at...

Joe Pace
Feb 22, 2016
Favorite Fictional Characters, #53: Professor X
The X-Men were unusual in the early 1960s for several reasons. They were young, students really, but more importantly they were...

Joe Pace
Feb 21, 2016
Favorite Fictional Characters, #52: Flora-717
Be warned: The Bees by Laline Paull is a weird book, an odd, foreign feminine manifesto. It follows the experiences of Flora-717, a...

Joe Pace
Feb 20, 2016
Favorite Fictional Characters, #51: OWEN MEANY
It is likely that some portion of my affection for A Prayer for Owen Meany stems from the setting. Irving's Gravesend is a...

Joe Pace
Feb 19, 2016
Favorite Fictional Characters, #50: Darth Vader
The Empire Strikes Back is the first movie I can remember seeing in the theater. I was five years old, and it's hard to parse my actual...

Joe Pace
Feb 18, 2016
Favorite Fictional Characters, #49: Amy Gardner
I could probably do a whole week or more just on West Wing characters. Among them would be, without question, Amy Gardner. There's so...
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